How to use the ISF Info Sheet with Chinese Characters
If you have received a document from your seller with the word ISF on it, this would be the ISF Info sheet. This document contains vital information for your ISF Filing, and if it contains Chinese characters which you do not understand, this article can help you. At times this document may contain excessive characters which are not translated and make it difficult for Importers to understand.
Importers may refer to the image example below to help decipher the information needed for your ISF Filing. The areas highlighed in yellow we have placed the English translation of the Chinese characters to assist you. Some recommended tips are try to match the first words of each line below for correlation. Another method is to use Google Translate if the characters do not match.
Vital information on the ISF Info Sheet
1. ETD
2. AMS Master Bill of Lading number with SCAC Code
3. AMS House Bill of Lading number with SCAC Code
4. Container Stuffing Location name and address
5. Consolidator name and address