We provide fast and reliable ISF Filing to stay compliant with CBP.
$125 Flat Rate
- All: Drivers License or State ID person signing POA
- Individual / Sole Proprietor: SS Card, W2 or Tax Return
- Corporate: Articles of Organization or Proof of LLC
- Partnership: Partnership or Member Agreement
Proceed to ISF Web File
When all your ISF documents and Proof of ID's are ready, proceed to file your ISF Online.
1. Click below to proceed with ISF Filing Online.
2. Submit completed Live ISF Form.
3. Make payment by Credit Card after submission.
4. Receive your ISF Filing order confirmation.
5. CBP notice of successful ISF Filing will be received within 4-6 hours by email.
Need Help with your import to the U.S? Call 1-844-473-3453 for assistance, or email: imports@isf-filing.com.

About the Importer Security Filing? (ISF 10+2)
Customs and Border Protection enacted and began full enforcement of the Importer Security Filing on July 9, 2013 as a protection measure to screen cargo imports destined to the United States before its arrival to safeguard the U.S from acts of terrorism or illegal activities.
As a result the Importer is responsible to ensure it is submitted to CBP no later than 24 hours before goods are loaded onto the vessel destined to the United States. The Importer may appointment their Customs Broker or agent to submit the ISF Filing.

Fines and Penalties past deadline.
The ISF Filing is required to be filed 24 hours before the goods are loaded onto the foreign vessel destined to the United States in order for customs and boarder protection to get your importing information. If past 24 hours, the isf customs is considered late and CBP will have the right to issue fines and penalty against the Importer and their bond in the amount of $5,000 for each violation, not to exceed $10,000 per shipment. In addition to the fines, CBP may hold cargo at the port terminal when arrived for customs exam in which the costs will be at the Importers expense for untimely filings.
Actions required for late shipments.
Your ISF must be filed immediately even if your ocean cargo is late or cargo arriving to port. As the Importer you are legally responsible to ensure this is filed and will be up to CBP to determine any liquidated damages or further action if needed. For late shipments, it is up to the local port's decision to determine if any hold for examinations will be placed upon arrival or if any fines. For new Importers, CBP does take into account their inexperience and does give leniency for most shipments.

Importer of Record Number
The importer of record is the entity or individual who is responsible for bringing the goods into the country, which is usually the same as the buyer or owner of the goods. U.S. Customs and Border Protection would identify this party the primary party responsible for all aspects of the shipment. The IOR can be a business entity or an individual and the primary identifier would be their Federal Tax ID which will either be the business EIN Number or SSN for individuals which will serve as the importer number.
Learn More
Determining the IRS Number to use for your ISF Filing
The ISF Filing is a formal submission to CBP which is vital to Homeland Security and Border Protection. For all importations into the US, CBP identifies all Importers either by their Business EIN Number, or Social Security Number as the Importer of Record.
ISF Info Sheets from China: How to Use and Decipher
If you have received a document from your seller with the word ISF on it, this would be the ISF Info sheet. This document contains vital information for your ISF Filing. At times this document may contain excessive characters which are not translated and make it difficult for Importers to understand.
ISF Filing Requirements for Car Imports to USA
Customs and Border Protection requires the ISF to be filed no later than 24 hours before the day of arrival. The CBP rule regarding vehicle imports that are non containerized which are shipped via RORO ferry vessels allows the ISF to be filed at a later date than reguar commercial goods. Importers are advised to get the ISF Filing completed as soon as your seller provides you with the shipping documents and bill of lading. Filing earlier is always the correct choice when importing into the US, as this gives more time for CBP to review your shipment before its arrival.